Monday, June 1, 2009

Life as we know it....

This is my first blog. So bear with me.

Ultimately, this is for my own benefit so I can go back and look at how my life has changed. And to see where I started and where I end up.

First things first. I am working and taking summer classes right now. I started both of those things today, and both were a success. I am excited to see what all this summer has in store for me. And I hope it is productive and pleasing!

My biggest stress right now is that I do not have any plans for my future. I would love to work right out of undergrad, but that is a small possibility with a Communication Studies degree and Child and Family Studies minor. I am starting to look into graduate schools... all over the place too. I would love to move to Boston. Or Texas. Or Colorado. But I am willing to stay in Tennessee for a little while longer if I can go to school for free and if it is in Nashville. My best friend and I are looking at going to Nashville and living together, but luckily we have a year to plan all this out. If I do go to grad school, I will get my Master's in Counseling, particularly School Counseling. If I do NOT go, I will probably find a full time job in Nashville or in East Texas somewhere. Or I'll just mooch off my parents for the rest of my life... that seems to be working for me now.

I hope reading this isn't like pulling teeth. If it was, I am sorry.