The past few weeks of my life have been very eventful. Seriously, not much free time at all. I have been leaving for work in the morning and not returning home until late at night.. wake up the next day and repeat.
First, the month of September was slammed with wedding events for Krista's wedding. It was one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever attended, and not just the flowers and dresses. But it was definitely an image of the Gospel and Christ's love. Gorgeous. I hope that one day, if I ever get married, others will say the same about my wedding! Being the Maid of Honor was just that, an honor. Here's a picture of me and the beautiful bride!
After wedding weekend, I helped to plan a trip to the Creeper Trail in Virginia. We hopped in a car, loaded up a bunch of bikes, and were on our way! It was great fun and something I would love to do again soon. Except next time, my plan will be for me to say to everyone, "Hey, I'm going this day at this time... Figure out a way to get there with your own bike!" This is the whole crew! (Andy [check out his blog - even though I think he's the only one who reads this] has the same picture posted on his blog, but he stole it without consent so I can post it again.)
And lastly, I just got back from a long weekend in Chicago. Mel and I took a roadtrip to Chi-town so she could check out the city and decide where to go to Grad School. The trip was to see Loyola, which we didn't spend a lot of time there... after being lost for a few hours the first day. I quickly realized Big City life is not for me. I love visiting, but not to live. It's not a family town and I don't think I could ever get past having to commute so far everyday.
These are pictures from our trip. The first is from the top of the Hancock building looking over the City. And the second is from Millennium Park right between the lake and the skyscrapers.
The last big event is about to happen... in about one hour! My brother has been gone for 8 months for Air Force training and comes home today! I am so excited, and he will be home for about 3 weeks. I'm glad he will finally be back in Tennessee before leaving for Italy (yeah, him and his wife will be stationed in Italy for the next 3-4 years.. jealous). I'm glad for family dinners. I'm glad he gets to meet my boyfriend before he starts hopping continents. And I'm glad that I will eventually get to visit him and Shandi once they get settled in Italia!
Even in all the busyness of the past few months, I feel like God has showed me so much and I have learned so much about myself. I feel like grad school is where I am supposed to be and this semester of no job and no school has only made that desire for education stronger. I can't wait to start in January (assuming I get accepted). I have my program interview on November 1!
I've learned that I am excited for my future knowing that it is in God's hands. I have learned that I need to be nice, kind, and gentle (this has become a repetitive theme in my life). I have learned that being passive will not help many situations, but probably hurt it. And I have learned that I am selfish, self-centered, and all those other things that stat with "self." BUT I am saved by the grace of God regardless. The cross is mine to gain!
Grace & Peace.
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