"Prideful people can't be thankful."
Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving, I decided to list some just some of the things that I am thankful for. Some serious, some not... but thankful none the less.
I am thankful for:
-good humor
-the promises of God - and that they still apply to me
-a sweet boyfriend who puts up with me
-a hilarious roommate (who also puts up with me)
-parent's support
-having a job (even if it's not ideal)
-the middle school girls I lead
-my co-leader & mentor - along with her fantastic family
-organization - having an organized home/room
-a cute little puppy that licks my face even though I hate it
-Skype/FaceTime - makes living in a different countries a little easier
-being able to live in Knoxville
-the Military and those who serve
-that the blood of Christ covers me
-blogs that I get to read when I'm bored at work
-a good nap
-people who know just what to say and when to say it
-Pal's half & half peachie tea
-the ability to use the internet to look up anything
-that my parents are still in love after 30 years
-peace & understanding
What are you thankful for? Are you prideful or thankful? You can't be both.